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> > 1] Has anyone seen any Virtual Memory programs for the Amiga?
> > 2] If so, has anyone used any of these Virtual Mem programs with Imagine?
>I use GigaMem. It works great. I tried it because the scene I'm rendering needs
>more than 20MB, and I removed my '040 board on which was 8MB. So I was left
>with 18MB instead of 26MB, and I had to use Gigamem. But for that reason, I
>cannot compare rendering times. But I don't think Virtual memory increases
I can confirm this also works well with smaller memory sizes.. I've rendered
12 meg scenes in 6 megs ram with no problem. Doesn't really seem to increase
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render time too much, and hard drive use is minimal (some programs cause gigamem to swap pages to disk constantly). However, the more virtual memory you
use, the slower it gets. Virtual memory is great to have when rendering
(3d studio for the IBM has virtual memory built in..)
> BTW, Gigamem is a commercial package, it's not PD.
There is a PD virtual memory program, but it's much slower.
Remember you need a true '030 CPU with an MMU to use these..
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21400.3.1.5408 Re: YET another query...
10/27/93 12:31 30/ <>
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On Oct 27, 10:16am, Greg Pringle wrote:
> Subject: Re: YET another query...
> > > 1] Has anyone seen any Virtual Memory programs for the Amiga?
> > > 2] If so, has anyone used any of these Virtual Mem programs with Imagine?
> >I use GigaMem. It works great. I tried it because the scene I'm rendering
> Remember you need a true '030 CPU with an MMU to use these..
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...or a '040 with Gigamem 3.0 (the true '040 with MMU)
.../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to:
21400.3.1.5471 Re: Imagine 2.0 & AmigaFormat...
10/31/93 11:28 33/ Jason B Koszarsky <>
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-Some other guy wrote:
-> >
-> > PS: I'm getting Lightrave because of this, and I encourage *ALL* Imagineers
-> > to do the same, IN MASS!!!
-I don't understand this. Does Lightrave come with Lightwave??? It was my
-understanding that you still needed to own a Toaster or the Toaster
-upgrade to get Lightwave in the first place. It would certainly be too
-expensive for me and I am sure for many Imagine spend $600 for the
-toaster upgrade and $600 or whatever for lightrave. I'd rather just get the
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-Toaster if I had that kind of cash. However, if Lightrave comes with
-Lightwave, I'd most certainly bite :-).
-Trin Dominic Yuthasastrakosol
Yes, all this whining is pathetic to see on the IML. Send flames to me via
personal mail if you want.
If you are planning to spend(or waste) money on LightRave & Lightwave you may
as well spend the extra couple hundred to get the real Toaster4000 with
Lightwave. The Rave-Wave combo will certainly run you in excess of 1000$
(versus 100$ to get Imagine 3.0). And getting LightRave doesn't guarantee that
you will find a dealer that will sell you the Toaster software upgrade if you
are a registered Toaster owner anyway. IMHO, LightRave is NOT worth getting.
I suppose you guys get upset everytime someone opens a candy wrapper to find
that they won a new car or game system or whatever that you spend loads of
money on. So you guys then decide 'Well, F**k this, I'm buying my next car/game/whatever from someone else. I just think this whole whining thing is stupid,
IMHO. Remember: if you want to flame me, send it via personal mail. DOn't
waste bandwidth on the IML.
Jason K.
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21400.3.1.5472 Thank You!
10/31/93 13:33 6/ LESK@CC.SNOW.EDU
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To all those who reponded to my query on education/training I would
like to thank you. I did send mail to each of you but for some reason
it all came back this weekend 3 or 4 days later? anyway I wll see what the
problem is but in the meantime thanks all of you.
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.../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to:
21400.3.1.5473 Golden Glint
10/31/93 13:29 11/ LESK@CC.SNOW.EDU
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Hi to those who have been talking about the golden glint;
I was wondering if you could track your light like your camera to
an axis then move your axis across your golden letters, if angled right
you should get an interesting effect with the reflections moving themsevles
instead of something more stationary by just moving the light or trying
to rotate the light(this is horrible I can never get the light right where
I want it, Well ok it takes a number of tries) anyway Just a thought I haven't
tried it but if it can be done I would like to hear about it.
Thanks and good luck
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